EAR Pitch

from $50.00

Playlisting made simple. “You submit, we pitch.”

Looking for an easy way to get your music on playlists? EAR Pitch can help. Our exclusive service uses AI analysis, label-invitation services, and our own network of playlists to make playlisting simple. With EAR Pitch, you can enjoy the benefits of a one-stop playlisting center without the hassle of managing multiple services. Try it out today and see the difference for yourself.

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What’s Included?

Silver - Pitch your single to the network that always gets placements, through our label-invitation playlist network. Roughly 20-30 submissions.

Gold - Upgrade your single Pitch to include Submithub submissions. We take our time to listen to every playlist we pitch to, and make sure it’s a perfect fit. Roughly 40-60 submissions.

Diamond - A 2-month campaign that focuses on expanding your single Pitch across our label-invitation playlist network, Submithub, and direct outreach. Roughly 100-150 submissions. A few offer reviews are available.

Platinum - Over the course of 3 months, your song or album will be Pitched to everything in Diamond, focusing on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, YouTube, and more. Roughly 200-300 submissions. A Lot of offer reviews are available.