EAR Distro

$79.99 every 12 months

Get all your music online for one annual price. Unlimited uploads to any store, 365 days a year.


You’ll never have to stress about distributing your music online again. Through EAR D.D., we help you get your music into online stores like Spotify, Apple Music, and more. Upload unlimited music, with the perc of getting the label payout rate for online streaming. We’ll also throw in a complementary press release for your first release with us!


  1. Subscription includes unlimited uploads under one artist name.

  2. Music must be mixed and mastered to the industry standard/streaming service guidelines.

  3. Before distributing your music, ensure you have all deliverables ready: lyrics, metadata, cover art, master(s), release date. Share this information with contact@eltonaudio.com.

  4. We reserve the right to cancel your request to distribute music if deliverables fail to adhere to industry standards, violates streaming service guidelines, or fail to provide required information.