What we do
Besides representation, Elton Audio specializes in a variety of services to help your next release perform well. For example, there are plenty of musicians out there that will finish recording a song, and decide to put it out on streaming platforms the following day, to then realize that they factored in no time to promote the single. In other cases, musicians may spend a hefty amount of money on music and video production, to then have zero budget to promote the song. These issues are more common than you may think, and if this has happened to you, consider sticking around for a little.
Releasing a song or album is exciting, but have you ever looked at it as a product release? The process of creating a song usually starts with writing music or lyrics, then recording, mixing, and finally mastering. Each step plays a crucial part in the finalization of your project, and you shouldn’t cut corners. But now it’s time to release it, and maybe you did not plan on having a marketing budget…what do you do?
The answer varies from artist to artist, but generally you should think of it like a blank canvas. The song needs an image to give it a visual be it a cover, music video, or other forms of visual aid. You may also want to release merchandise alongside the single, so you need a designer, and a company to manufacture the clothing. Finally, maybe you need a marketing strategy to help promote the release, and you need some ideas and a marketing team to put that together. Everything mentioned here is what we do. The only difference is with us, we’re not trying to break the bank, but rather help you put out successful releases time and time again. We look forward to working with you on any project, in any genre, in any market.
“A talent manager (also known as an artist manager, band manager or music manager) is an individual or company who guides the professional career of artists in the entertainment industry.”
“The concept of Artist Development began half a century ago with departments of record labels dedicated to cultivating an artist or group’s talent, and profiting from the results through a contract that has come to be known as the “360 Deal.” Modern artist development, however, is different. What used to be done by entire departments, has become the responsibility of the artist.”
All the deliciousness a growing musician needs
Fast track your way to success with a development plan. We give you the tools and the training to blossom in any genre. Get access to a photographer, videographer, producers, training, post production and much more every single month.
Build on your already established music career with EAR Management. Work with your new artist manager to create your next marketing strategy, and let them handle the business side of things while you keep doing what you love…making music.
Single Service.
Commitment isn’t for everyone, we get it. With Single Service, you can reap the benefits of EAR services while keeping yourself completely independent. Check out our service list below for more details on what we offer, or visit our store page.
Where we shine
Mixing & Mastering
We take pride in our audio services. Not only are they all available to anyone in the world, but you can easily get your music mixed and mastered by a real audio engineer with EAR Mix; a 100% A.I. free audio post service that will immersify the listener with quality sound.
Website Management
Building a website the way you want isn’t always as easy as using a website builder. Sometimes, it requires a developer to turn your idea into a real spot on the internet. With EAR Online, we can turn any idea into a reality with a professionally coded website.
Press Coverage
Get your story out there with EAR News. Since 2018, we started an online blog that now has close to 100,000 followers. We also market to other blogs, news outlets, and playlists so you don’t have to alone. Work a writer today to write up your next press release or biography.
Physical Merchandise
Say goodbye to costly merch manufacturing. Utilizing the tools of dropshipping in today’s online market, you too can have an online store to sell your custom clothing, vinyl records, and home accessories to anyone around the world 24/7, all year round.
Photo & Video
Photo and video editing can be expensive, but also a lengthy process. So, we built a network of professionals that love working with artists like you across the United States. Now, you can easily book a photo or video session in your area, and get it edited too.
Music Distribution
Streaming doesn’t always pay out the way we want, which is why by distributing through a label is better in some cases. Keep 100% of your royalties, and reap the benefits of the label streaming payout rate. Get your music online to hundreds of stores worldwide.