What’s New With eltonaudio.com?
If you haven’t been checking in with us, then you may not have noticed that some things have changed with our website. These updates weren’t just for us, but mostly for you; the artists of the world.
We have many updates to share with you, but if you prefer to check it out for yourself click here.
Updated Navigation
When it comes to mobile optimization, we realized that our old site wasn't loading as fast as we hoped. The obvious solution was to lower the resolution of the photos on our site, but rather we just redesigned everything from top to bottom. Now you can easily find what you’re looking for whether it be EAR news, featured music, what we do, and the notorious contact us page.
Defined Services
Even though we’re known to be an artist management company, we also do a lot more in the music industry. Ranging from press releases, to mixing and mastering, or even graphic design, we handle almost anything an artist/band will need in his/her/their musical career. On our “Career” tab, you can find anything from our summer sale, single service products, and what goes into artist management & development. Remember, if you ever have a question or are interested in working with us, contact us!
Highlighted Promotion
Music advertising works best with an interested audience towards a specific genre, style, category, or feel. Well, pretty much some type of definition to attract people to new music. The improved “Music” tab will host an ever-changing, constantly updating cycle of featured artists, music, and playlists. If you’re a music junkie like us, you’ll love this new update.
The Dreadful Contact Us Page
We made it simple. Deleted a lot of jibber jabber, and added a simple contact form to direct you to the right person to help you. If you feel like email isn’t your thing, dm us on your preferred social media site, located on the top right of our website on desktop, or on the bottom of any page on mobile.
If You Were Wondering
Seems like you made it to the end of this boring update, but hey here’s something to cheer you up. If you’re a musician, producer, band or anything to do with making music, we’re offering free promotion for your music over the next week over our social media. All you have to do is two things.
If you haven't already, subscribe to our email list.
Send us an email with your promo (video or photo)
Thank you for choosing EAR as your home for music.
Follow us on social media! @eltonaudio