If You Are Not Using Cyanite, Then You Are Doing Spotify for Artists Totally Wrong

Have you heard of the platform Cyanite? If you have, then congratulations, you have avoided the biggest mistake many artists make when using Spotify for Artists. However if you have not yet, then don’t worry, EAR has got you covered. 


Cyanite, in a nutshell, is an Artificial Intelligence program that analyzes your music in various ways. You can then use this information to boost your music on the Spotify algorithm, resulting in higher traffic to your profile and more streams on your tracks. All you have to do is upload your music to Cyanite and it will sort and tag your music based on multiple factors: Mood, BPM, Genre, Key, Energy etc. They advertise on their website that their tagging service is sixty times faster than doing it manually, and reduces the cost by 99.4 percent. Additionally, their AI does it with extreme accuracy and efficiency.

Cyanite is also a great source for finding tracks that are similar to your own music, and it even has a recommendation engine in order for you to find more music and artists whose listeners are likely to enjoy your music. Cyanite states, “reduce search time up to 86%...our revolutionary Similarity Search lets you find songs in your catalog that sound and feel the same as a reference track.” Their recommendation search engine searches for distinct sonic factors in your music in order to tailor to different listeners and provide personalized song recommendations for your fans.


Additionally, Cyanite allows you to “visualize your emotions”, which basically means you can analyze the vibes that your song gives. Through their platform, you are able to access visual representations of all the necessary data regarding your music, which makes it easier to digest and accessible to all users. This way, you can easily find the information that you are looking for on the website.

So we are sure the big question you may have is how will this help boost your music on the Spotify algorithm? After you see how your music has been tagged and sorted, you are then able to take that track and input all of the information into your Spotify for Artists. When uploading your song to be distributed to Spotify, the algorithm searches for specific keywords in order to know what audiences to which they should push your music. Although the current version of Cyanite does not match up entirely with the key tags that Spotify looks for, a new update is coming soon which will be basically identical to what the algorithm wants. 

When you post your music to Spotify, you can simply copy the tags from Cyanite regarding the BPM, the genre, and even the mood of your music. This gives your music a better chance at success on the streaming service, because you are matching up keywords directly to what the algorithm is looking for. This is especially useful for pitching to playlists, as more accurate information inputted will result in a bigger boost from the algorithm towards the appropriate playlists and to a more targeted audience.

Therefore, if you are not on Cyanite yet, then you should definitely hop on the website and take a look for yourself at all the amazing things its AI can do. You will be guaranteed more success on your new releases, and as a result, you will be able to take your artist career to the next level.


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