Advertisement Guidelines

Dimensions: Photo dimensions for adverisements may vary depending on the platform, but usually will require above these common sizes.

Accepted File Types   png, jpg, gif
Square   1080px X 1080px
Portait   1350px X 1080px
Landscape   1080px X 1920px
Vertical   1920px X 1080px

For video advertisements, resolution may vary depending on the platform, but usually will require above these common sizes. Most advertisements are compressed, however, some platforms have the ability to compress from larger resolution files.

Video Thumbnail: Same dimension as video
Accepted File Types   mp4, mov
Square   1080px X 1080px
Portait   1350px X 1080px
Landscape   1080px X 1920px
Vertical   1920px X 1080px

Fonts and styling for advertisement descriptions are usually not supported, however character limits are almost always required for submitting advertisements. Some of the most common character limits are listed below.

Facebook   125 characters
Instagram   2200 characters
Twitter   280 characters
YouTube   Headline: 25-characters, Description 1/2: 35 characters